Friday, September 12, 2014

911 memorials

911 memorials
The twin towers was one of the may trade centers there is. They are 1,368 and 1,362 feet and 110 stories each with a great structure with only a couple feet away from each other. A “terrorist” attack was made on September, 11, 2001 in New York, Manhattan. An air plane had crashed on the right tower and a couple minutes later came the left. They were both hit from the top and leaving the bottom in suffocation. There was a lot of smoke blowing along with people’s lives. Majority’s people’s last hope was to jump. Not much a decision to be either burned to deaf or have a leap of fate into heaven. The twin towers had fell straight down, which takes us to the pancake effect. Usually when a tower falls straight down it’s usually cause by a bomb and much say the terrorist attack is a conspiracy. Most think its government to want a cover up but many still grief of their loss.


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